S-21 secret PRISON
The S-21 isa secret tutored and detention center in Tuol Sleng high school located in the heart of Phnom Penh . The Khmer Rouge.Most prisoners were high-ranked officials, well-educated and Cambodian from abroad.
The exhibition photo below is of our brother Yean. Our broHe had been tricked by one of the Khmer Rouge top leaders Ieng Sar who publicly urged our brother and many other Cambodians to return home, claiming they were wanted and needed the revolutionary government to help rebuild Cambodia. Our brother was hoping to reunite with family members that he hadn’t heard from since he left before 1975. In reality , our brother Yean, like all the other students who returned from abroad, was arrested as soon as he landed at Phnom Penh International Airport and transported to the secret prison S-21 in Tuol Sleng. The photograph captures his sadness and hopelessness before they took his life.